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»People treated me like I was a rock star«

Matt Mullenweg The Way I Work

© Matt Mullenweg hat einen, wie ich finde, richtig tollen Artikel über Matt Mullenweg veröffentlicht, der euch als Gründer von WordPress bekannt sein sollte. Er berichtet von seinem Workflow, vom Aufstehen ohne Wecker bis hin zu seinen spektakulären Arbeitszeiten, denn, so sagt er, am produktivsten ist er zwischen ein und fünf Uhr morgens.

Matts Lebensstil gefällt mir so gut, dass ich unbedingt ein wenig zitieren muss:

In the morning, I have certain aspirations. One of my goals is to avoid looking at the computer or checking e-mail for at least an hour after I wake up. I also try to avoid alarm clocks as much as possible, because it’s just nice to wake up without one. I leave my shades up a bit, so I usually wake up about an hour after the sun rises. I usually don’t eat breakfast, and I avoid caffeine. I’ve got enough stimulating things in my life already.

Music helps me when I’m coding, which is still my priority. When you’re coding, you really have to be in the zone. I’ll listen to a single song, over and over on repeat, like a hundred times.

I’m also the primary person on Akismet, Automattic’s anti-spam software for websites, which we created from scratch. […] I decided to do it because I was worried about my mom. She hadn’t started a blog yet, but I had this crazy fear that when she did, she’d be bombarded by spam for Viagra and think that had something to do with what I did all day.

Last year, I was on the road for 200 days and clocked 175,000 miles. That’s seven times around the globe. […] In the Philippines, people treated me like I was a rock star. After the camp was over, I spent two hours taking pictures and signing autographs. People were like, “Will you sign my laptop?” “Will you sign my badge?” “Will you sign my body part?”

The Way I Work: Matt Mullenweg

Gefunden bei Matt selbst. Er hat den Artikel noch ein bisschen umgeschrieben, weil er mit manchen Aussagen nicht ganz einverstanden war.

Florian Lehmuth
28. Juni 2009
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